Clash of Clan(COC) TH13 trophy Base Layouts - Get Best TH13 trophy Base with Links

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Town Hall 13 Base Info

Town Hall 13 comes with Giga Inferno which is an upgraded version of Giga Tesla. It works as a multi-target inferno Tower. TH13 equipped with new defense called Scattershot. This Town hall comes with a powerful fourth hero of the coc - Royal Champion. Enjoy this townhall.

Time and Cost

It will take 12 days and 12000000 gold to upgrade to TH13.

New Buildings

New buildings are available:

  • Giga Inferno
  • 2 Scattershots - Ultimate base defending building
  • 1 Cannon
  • 1 Archer Tower
  • 25 Walls

Resource Upgrades

In Resources, you can upgrade:

  • 1 Dark Elixir Drill

New Units

Royal Champion - Fourth hero of the game. RC is a powerfull hero with an ability to throw a spear and target defenses.

Yetimite-Generating Yeti - It is a tanky ground unit that spawns Yetimites.

Invisibility Spell - This spell will make troops and buildings invisible to defenses for specific period of time. This period is depends upon the level of the spell. Higher the level, more time for invisibility.

Siege Machines

  • Siege Barracks - When you deploy siege barracks, PEKKA's and Wizzards spawned by the barrack to attack defenses.


TH13 is one of the top townhall level. You will face fierce competition at this level. To get upper hand in the game, you can copy base layouts for TH13 from above. Choose TH13 best war, progress, farming, defense base layouts from our website.